Thursday, October 3, 2013

Legalization of weapons. The state proved to be unable to defend citizen. Because weapons should be

Squaring the circle Blog Archive IN MACEDONIA IS DEATH PENALTY
Because courts can not impose the death penalty imposition of the same is placed in the Ministry of Interior. It imposes the death penalty and simultaneously perform the execution (called the incident). jeanne bice
Of course in all cases it is extremely dangerous people (at the moment of execution were not armed, but it does not change their risk) and were devoted and dedicated to crime or were mentally disturbed (which is a good reason for someone to be killed ).
Some time ago these incidents have occurred in the special (Alfa, etc..). The last case shows progress in the willingness of the police to kill with it the right of execution is extended to the traffic police.
And I will ask: Is there anyone jeanne bice in the state NORMAL react IDIOTIZMITE that make and which boasts the Interior Minister? Are there OTHER PROFESSIONAL POLICE OFFICER IN MI who does not think that people are getting for shooting clay pigeons at a moment when you PREKJRSHAT LAW. And is there a union in Police, which will oppose DEZAVUIRANJETO THE POLICE PROFESSION?
Not to be misunderstood as a supporter of the idler pin which dispense justice as they cut mind ... and not just cut, but for me the dilemma is another. When society becomes violent for various reasons which primarily from social-economic or religious character and very little for totalitarian rule, the question is, if they want to protect their life and their families and their materialni good, then either themselves are vooruzhime and you know how to protect you or close our eyes with one eye before the brutality of bitangite with badges "in the name of a grater good". Personally I prefer the first solution because the second I fed another to tell me what is better for me .... certainly not leaving space for istomislenicite, but please respect for my
Od licno iskustvo edno kje kazam, nevini lugje se maltretiraat, se sledat bez zakonski i ne im se pocituva privatnosta ..... Navistina treba pogolema zastita za obinite gragjani!!! Bidejki mi izgleda deka tie so znackite ne sakaat da prifatat odgovornost.
Legalization of weapons. The state proved to be unable to defend citizen. Because weapons should be returned jeanne bice to the ordinary citizen. As in many countries in the world (U.S., Germany, Switzerland, ...)
When you see someone from Macedonia saying that the West is also the only police there do not know, means that either was not there or can not find out that neither language nor follow follow foreign media. Ask Rodney King on Google, to see just a case of murder, but "only" beating the causes of the desert West.
Unfortunately, this became our routine! Countless reasons, as well as victims executed by representatives of the state! Such liquidations concern me, but most of all I worry silence citizens! jeanne bice As if we have accepted their fate!
Najdobro e da se napravi organizacija koja kje go nabljuduva malce poise mvr, bidejki izgleda nema tamy soodveten kvaliteten um koj navisitna se grizi za dobroto na gragjanite, a lugjeto ne se pomirile so sudbinata no ne im se prezentira opcija vo momentov bidejki ako nekoj se pobuni javno, odma mvr so noz na vrata kje im dojde, za zal!!! Leave a comment Your comment jeanne bice
Post what did the police in the past two years on the basis of what law? THE Minister Gordana Jankulovska jeanne bice NO clue WHY THE RIGHT OPPOSITION SHOULD NOT accept the GRUEVSKI out early elections? THE PRESIDENT COMMISSION ON 14 YEARS IN PLACE patting / 4 as constitutional judges jeanne bice do not recognize the violation of right remains to demolition not just the name in question, or why the government shirk THE CENSUS 14 typical standstill / 3
COMMENTS O mori male on THE Minister Gordana Jankulovska Little did I know the right Ajvan Doctor on THE Minister Gordana Jankulovska Little did I know the right Marika on murder equality is not a side issue Irena on opposition WHY SHOULD accept the proposal of Gruevski MAINTENANCE jeanne bice an early election? Mirjana Najcevska on not just the name in question, or why the government shirk THE CENSUS
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