Continuously reducing the number of deaths and injuries in the workplace because of measures and activities for prevention ringen of risk. Minister of Labour and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski, to mark the European Week for Safety and Health at Work in Skopje stressed that all statistics generally show a decrease in the number of injuries and injury deaths consequences jobs. -In 2010 and 2011 there were 12 fatal injuries to workers consequences of the execution of tasks. In 2012 the number was reduced, that there were five injuries ringen with fatal consequences. It further motivates ringen us to continue to organize activities. Will be most satisfied when he has when he has to be observed ringen injuries with fatal consequences - Minister Ristovski and announced that in the winter when there is extremely low temperatures will be taken a series of measures and recommendations, and that will continue enhanced inspections.
President of the Society for Occupational Safety and Health, Milan Petkovski believes that every job has some risk, and therefore should be assessed and thus provide information that preventive measures can be minimized risk within acceptable limits. According to him, much better and cheaper to prevent accidents than to suffer the consequences. -Respect of protection at work in recent years has seen an upward trend. All measures taken in society lead to the introduction ringen of rules to the game. I think the right step to do when our awareness and way of accessing the work will reach a higher level. OSH should not be seen only by the workers, ringen but as a holistic process ringen that is beneficial to the workers, and the employers ringen and the state - said Petkovski.
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