OCU launched in 2013 the first Collective Buying Power in Spain, which resulted in the change of operator of more than 30,000 people who chose to leave their companies and move to Holaluz, the winner of the auction.
Now, we want to get at least that far with mobile bills. Therefore, we have launched john partridge a new initiative, I called I Pay Less Mobile, and invite all phone companies john partridge to participate.
In OCU want to get attractive deals that allow us all to save. Join us in this initiative john partridge OCU entering quieropagarmenosmovil.org Sign in www.quieropagarmenosmovil.org You will be able to add information to your profile consumer and that data will gauge the savings that could be obtained with the winning bidder. Sign up and participate in the auction does not imply any commitment or obligation. Registration is completely free and does not commit to anything. Once the auction has ended, all registrants will receive a custom quote with the amount paid to the winning bidder. This is the moment when he will decide freely whether or not to change company.
Well, as this will do the same light that ... often backfire that it has. Now it seems that those who switched to cheaper pay HolaLuz loooong light, and it will return them so overcharged in the first quarter, while those who, attracted by the OCU campaign, we moved to HolaLuz with attractive offer to pay 3% less than the TUR now is that we do not return anything (ie, have paid the KwH the provisional price exorbitantly marking the government least 3%, ie much more expensive than who He stayed in the TUR). I hope the OCU do something and report not only to its members but to all those who took up the campaign "I want to pay less light" and we ended up paying more.
It is just that we are not going to return what overpaid, but over my bill has almost tripiclado not say that was a scam (that could have legal implications), but I feel SCAMMED
The amazing thing is that it seems that OCU has nothing to say to complaints from users who switched to HolaLuz. Not a note on the web, no email, ... with the amount of emails they sent us to that we changed us, and now not a sad email to give us explanations of why they will not return us (he says the HolaLuz itself in its web ) and why we ended up paying the most expensive one KwH.
To pay less telephony not only have to lower tariffs of telephone companies, but would have to remove those 902/901 Etcétera there if we would pay less in mobile telephony.
Honestly, what a disappointment. Do not know how to do the analysis of tariffs but now I pay about 10-15 euros in Simyo monthly voice and 1GB data, according to the analysis of the rates that you carry in your Web Simyo should pay 33.88 euros . And you offer me a fee of 18.70 euros Másmovil more expensive than I pay. I do not understand.
A mi me smell a rat. I paid about 19e in Tuenti for 3 gigs and I want encasquetar 18.7e in Masmovil (cover orange) for 2 gigs ... with conditions very similar to those of Tuenti ... any advantage ... just pay more for something that I have ... also with better coverage The movistar.
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