Mit Deutsch in Russland Blog Archive CHRISTMAS (holiday scenario)
Recent Entries REVIEWS m & m direct ABSTRACTS SEMINARS students trimester examinations (MOSAIK 5-8) Decade of the German language. CHRISTMAS (holiday scenario) DSD-GERMAN LANGUAGE DIPLOMA special course on regional geography of German-speaking countries Popularization of German in secondary schools. Business German. Globalization.
Scenario m & m direct lesson "Christmas in Germany" On the day of the lesson (not later than 24 December), dedicated m & m direct to the holiday "Christmas", study a foreign language or a special room for the New Year holidays decorated with different Christmas m & m direct attributes. There are tree, candles, Christmas wreath, m & m direct boot, postcards, made guys. I.Prazdnik teacher begins with a story based on the Biblical account of Jesus' birth of Christ. Who is this little-Christ? And this is our Lord, whose name is Jesus Christ. He was not born in the palace of the nobility and luxury, and in a cave among the sheep, who had taken refuge there from the cold of the night. It was in the town of Bethlehem okrestnostyah in the country of Judea. Born Savior m & m direct welcomed the shepherds who believed the angel who revealed to them the truth of Christ. It happened m & m direct more than two millennia ago. What do you think, why the Lord came to the people on the ground? It's simple. He, loving people and caring for them, wanted to show the meaning of life and open the way to eternal happiness. Therefore, He was named Jesus, which in Russian means S p and s and t E L, Christ-P o m a s a n and B of x and y.
-Die schönste Zeit des Jahres nennt man Advent. Das ist die Zeit vor Weihnachten. Sie beginnt am 1.Sonntag im Dezember und dauert 4 Wochen. In der Adventszeit freuen sich Kinder und Erwachese über den Weihnachtsmarkt und gemütliche Abende m & m direct zu Hause. Es ist eine wunderschöne Tradition, vor Weihnachten die Häuser und Wohnungen zu dekorieren. In jedem Haus gibt es natürlich einen Adventskranz mit vier Kerzen, meist in rot und grün, den Farben für Liebe und Hoffnung.
Am 5.Dezember putzen die Kinder ihre Schuhe und stellen m & m direct sie wie immer vor der Tür. In der Nacht bringt der heilige Nikolaus Geschenke-meist m & m direct Süßigkeiten, ein kleines Spielzeug oder auch Kleidung. In der Zeit vor Weihnachten basteln die Kinder Weihnachtsbaumschmuck, singen Lieder m & m direct und warten auf das Fest.
Am 24. Dezember ist der Heilige Abeend, an dem dieWeihnachtsgeschenke verteilen m & m direct werden. m & m direct Man wuenscht einander "Frohe Weihnachten!". Danach kommt die beiden Weihnachtstage, und es beginnen Winterferien, die für die meisten Kinder etwa bis zum 7.Januar dauern.
Guten Abend-schönen Abend Bald ist Weihnachtszeit Vor Weihnachten Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht Oh, Tannenbaum O, du froehliche ... Glockenspiel Gedichte / Poems Christnacht (Josef Kanter) Weihnacht (Kar May) Weihnachtszeit (Jens Schulz) Nikolaustag Nikolausabend Nikolauslied Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann Advent, Advent p I S and e We decorate the Christmas tree Yarkoyu star Rooted common thread we herringbone gold. How beautiful fur-tree on a festive outfit! Wisps of her needles burn. And at the heart of sweet, fun, light. All joy today ... it's CHRISTMAS!
I remember as a kid, the first time I heard about the Christmas story. I was thrilled to tears, Because Christ was born small. Not in the rich and eminent house lay not in pyshoy cradle A cave in a remote straw.
3.Schüler Wer hat dir dieses Schimpfwort beigebracht? f ragt die Mutter kleine Anja. -Der Nikolaus. -Lüge nicht! -Doch, der nikolaus! Er kam in der Nacht mit Geschenken für mich_ stolperte m & m direct über einen Stuhl und sagte dieses Wort.
A week before the holiday, cooked and pronumerirovannye m & m direct Christmas m & m direct posters (picture on the A-1) should be hung for viewing by all students of the school. Everyone can vote for their favorite poster, writing his room and lowering the note number for the spetsiallno prepared for this box.
The jury, consisting m & m direct only of students (no more than 5 persons), counts the votes for one or the other poster and announces the winner. More appreciated and prepared students home cards with congratulations and wishes of the teacher and classmates.
V. Rozhdestvennskie game "Schmücke die Tanne" Jemand von den Schülern (Spielern) stellt sich auf einen Stuhl-Er ist der "Tannenbaum". Er wird mit Wäscheklammern m & m direct "geschmückt". Die Kinder bilden zwei m & m direct gewinnt die Mannschaft; die die meisten Wäscheklammern gesammelt hat.
Call numbers Colors As shown in the picture? What are the sum or difference of numbers in German What letter is missing in this word? Make a word read from letters greeting "Joyous Christmas!"
QUIZ 1 How many months of the year? What is the name of the calendar month in Germany? How many days a week? What are they called? Why German children especially enjoyed 6 and 24 December? What is Advent? How many Sundays of Advent is celebrated Why red and green color during Advent so important? Why decorate 4 candles
Recent Entries REVIEWS m & m direct ABSTRACTS SEMINARS students trimester examinations (MOSAIK 5-8) Decade of the German language. CHRISTMAS (holiday scenario) DSD-GERMAN LANGUAGE DIPLOMA special course on regional geography of German-speaking countries Popularization of German in secondary schools. Business German. Globalization.
Scenario m & m direct lesson "Christmas in Germany" On the day of the lesson (not later than 24 December), dedicated m & m direct to the holiday "Christmas", study a foreign language or a special room for the New Year holidays decorated with different Christmas m & m direct attributes. There are tree, candles, Christmas wreath, m & m direct boot, postcards, made guys. I.Prazdnik teacher begins with a story based on the Biblical account of Jesus' birth of Christ. Who is this little-Christ? And this is our Lord, whose name is Jesus Christ. He was not born in the palace of the nobility and luxury, and in a cave among the sheep, who had taken refuge there from the cold of the night. It was in the town of Bethlehem okrestnostyah in the country of Judea. Born Savior m & m direct welcomed the shepherds who believed the angel who revealed to them the truth of Christ. It happened m & m direct more than two millennia ago. What do you think, why the Lord came to the people on the ground? It's simple. He, loving people and caring for them, wanted to show the meaning of life and open the way to eternal happiness. Therefore, He was named Jesus, which in Russian means S p and s and t E L, Christ-P o m a s a n and B of x and y.
-Die schönste Zeit des Jahres nennt man Advent. Das ist die Zeit vor Weihnachten. Sie beginnt am 1.Sonntag im Dezember und dauert 4 Wochen. In der Adventszeit freuen sich Kinder und Erwachese über den Weihnachtsmarkt und gemütliche Abende m & m direct zu Hause. Es ist eine wunderschöne Tradition, vor Weihnachten die Häuser und Wohnungen zu dekorieren. In jedem Haus gibt es natürlich einen Adventskranz mit vier Kerzen, meist in rot und grün, den Farben für Liebe und Hoffnung.
Am 5.Dezember putzen die Kinder ihre Schuhe und stellen m & m direct sie wie immer vor der Tür. In der Nacht bringt der heilige Nikolaus Geschenke-meist m & m direct Süßigkeiten, ein kleines Spielzeug oder auch Kleidung. In der Zeit vor Weihnachten basteln die Kinder Weihnachtsbaumschmuck, singen Lieder m & m direct und warten auf das Fest.
Am 24. Dezember ist der Heilige Abeend, an dem dieWeihnachtsgeschenke verteilen m & m direct werden. m & m direct Man wuenscht einander "Frohe Weihnachten!". Danach kommt die beiden Weihnachtstage, und es beginnen Winterferien, die für die meisten Kinder etwa bis zum 7.Januar dauern.
Guten Abend-schönen Abend Bald ist Weihnachtszeit Vor Weihnachten Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht Oh, Tannenbaum O, du froehliche ... Glockenspiel Gedichte / Poems Christnacht (Josef Kanter) Weihnacht (Kar May) Weihnachtszeit (Jens Schulz) Nikolaustag Nikolausabend Nikolauslied Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann Advent, Advent p I S and e We decorate the Christmas tree Yarkoyu star Rooted common thread we herringbone gold. How beautiful fur-tree on a festive outfit! Wisps of her needles burn. And at the heart of sweet, fun, light. All joy today ... it's CHRISTMAS!
I remember as a kid, the first time I heard about the Christmas story. I was thrilled to tears, Because Christ was born small. Not in the rich and eminent house lay not in pyshoy cradle A cave in a remote straw.
3.Schüler Wer hat dir dieses Schimpfwort beigebracht? f ragt die Mutter kleine Anja. -Der Nikolaus. -Lüge nicht! -Doch, der nikolaus! Er kam in der Nacht mit Geschenken für mich_ stolperte m & m direct über einen Stuhl und sagte dieses Wort.
A week before the holiday, cooked and pronumerirovannye m & m direct Christmas m & m direct posters (picture on the A-1) should be hung for viewing by all students of the school. Everyone can vote for their favorite poster, writing his room and lowering the note number for the spetsiallno prepared for this box.
The jury, consisting m & m direct only of students (no more than 5 persons), counts the votes for one or the other poster and announces the winner. More appreciated and prepared students home cards with congratulations and wishes of the teacher and classmates.
V. Rozhdestvennskie game "Schmücke die Tanne" Jemand von den Schülern (Spielern) stellt sich auf einen Stuhl-Er ist der "Tannenbaum". Er wird mit Wäscheklammern m & m direct "geschmückt". Die Kinder bilden zwei m & m direct gewinnt die Mannschaft; die die meisten Wäscheklammern gesammelt hat.
Call numbers Colors As shown in the picture? What are the sum or difference of numbers in German What letter is missing in this word? Make a word read from letters greeting "Joyous Christmas!"
QUIZ 1 How many months of the year? What is the name of the calendar month in Germany? How many days a week? What are they called? Why German children especially enjoyed 6 and 24 December? What is Advent? How many Sundays of Advent is celebrated Why red and green color during Advent so important? Why decorate 4 candles
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