Saturday, June 21, 2014

Therefore, we prepared a Decalogue to understand new way of calculating consumption, which, in itse

It's here the dreaded new guideline to calculate what you pay in electricity bills. This April 1st begins to apply this new calculation, which will be known in the resulting maurices electric bill July 1.
Therefore, we prepared a Decalogue to understand new way of calculating consumption, which, in itself, maurices is a complexity manifests. A new billing for 17 million homes across maurices Spain, which affects differently to consumers who have a regulated and those in the free market rate.
The new pricing implies a revised provisional price on the first bill and return to the consumer, as the provisional price of energy in the first quarter was well above the market price. Refunds will be from May 15.
To know all about the new energy pricing, simply enter and access content Ten questions and answers to understand the new rates of the light, maurices where we have grouped all of the information about this new pattern of recovery and how it affects to different types of consumers.
manuela santos said:
knock I have on several occasions to offer me a SAVINGS on my electricity bill is just to allow another company to issue my electricity bills, what is there in this? iberdrola my current server is a last resort, and supply makes fenosa union. thanks
Hello, Manuela. Each company will try to sell it cheaper than the competition. Care. You are who you choose, do not be fooled. Check out these links: maurices maurices -luz/noticias/mentiras-comerciales-gas-luz
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