Monday, June 30, 2014

At the presentation will demonstrate the wide palette of Orenburg shawls and themselves - as handma

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In Europe this winter season seems to conquer just two Russian hit - Orenburg shawl and boots. And if shawls traditionally continue to produce the Urals, which will bring them to Frankfurt, then with boots decided to seize the initiative decided ... adidas.
In Moscow, the presentation of the new products designed ewatches specifically for the Russian winter, including women's shoes and spectacular ewatches adiValenki. According to manufacturers, the latest ewatches technology adidas perfectly combined in the product design with authentic traditional Russian footwear. Boots are made of Italian felt by traditional technology felting. Traditional galoshes replaced by waterproof TPU inserts on the toe and heel boots and a rubber band on the sides. AdiValenki profile outsole is equipped with Traxion, which is used in the best shoe collections adidas, designed for mountain tourism and outdoor recreation.
History boots Boots in Russia - a traditional Russian ewatches shoes, ewatches warm felt boots woolly fleece. Prototype boots traditional felt boots were nomads of the Great Steppe (including Southern Russia), whose history is more than 1.5 thousand years. There is evidence that the boots appeared in Russia in the early XVIII century. Boots have gained widespread only in the first half of the XIX century, when they began to produce ewatches industrial ewatches process. ewatches Before that, they were quite expensive and could afford only wealthy people. In 1900, Russia produced 1.4 million pairs of boots. *** About adidas: adidas Group is one of the world's leading sporting goods industry and offers a wide range of products key brands: adidas, Reebok, TaylorMade, Rockport and Reebok-CCM Hockey. Headquartered in Herzogenaurach (Germany), the company employs ewatches more than 46 thousand employees worldwide, the total sales in 2011 amounted to 13.3 billion euros.
Orenburg Charity Fund "Eurasia" and Orenburg book publishing them. GP Donkovtseva present books of recent years, talks about the unique puhovyazalnom fishery, including publishing a novelty - the album "Orenburg shawl" critic Irina Bushuhinoy. The book was published in 2012 in Russian and English, tells the story of puhovyazaniya in the Orenburg region, the establishment of the factory down shawls, demonstrates the basic techniques of famous knitted ewatches shawls, stoles ewatches and "webs" and how modern fashionista wearing this outfit.
At the presentation will demonstrate the wide palette of Orenburg shawls and themselves - as handmade ewatches and knit factory. Visitors to the stand will be able to estimate Wraps oblong, square "webs" a wide variety of colors - to match the color of fluff obtained from Orenburg goats. Of Orenburg show famous test quality down products - miss "cobweb" through a wedding ring, show a small documentary about the work of Orenburg puhovyazalschits. Upon completion of the fair will be able to purchase Orenburg ewatches shawls. ewatches
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magazine "Shire Krug"
2014 "Russian Field" - the site all-German Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots. All rights reserved

I think that the belt only when doing a lift when you go out on the maximum weight and the goal of

All forever_anka FizKult hi! In the first lines of the problem shoe tailor description. Engaged in the program proposed by Lou Schuler in the book The New Rules of Lifting. Now began a program of Strength. In this program, most of the exercises shoe tailor done on the following five approaches Number of Iterations: 6-1 time-6raz 10-12 times-12-15-fold. Attention to the question :) Advise shoe tailor you on the 6 and 1 times wear zone (for becoming and squat with a barbell)? shoe tailor Read the post about the belt ( 621515.html), decided to do the exercises while without it (eg squats with a barbell 65 kg becomes 60kg. Its weight is 48 kg). I feel that the weight is not limiting, but take more scary without a belt. You exercise with weights on the max a small number of repetitions or even to make one repeat in the belt or without?
I think that the belt only when doing a lift when you go out on the maximum weight and the goal of training twist yourself into a ram's horn, but to raise as much as possible. KMC average fitnesist not reach weights when the belt is needed. Lift himself not do, only in the form of physical education, 2 squat their weight by 10 times with no belt, no extreme sensations in the lower back does not feel. But then a moment that some centners shoe tailor iron and raise them though henna and other bucket of potatoes failed caught and earn hernia. Get used to do without a belt gradually muscles bark should overtake shoe tailor everything else, if you had helped them a belt.
clear. I have not yet started their weight 2, so it turns out that with the purchase of the belt should not act hastily. lower back at me like too no problems - no pain after squatting shoe tailor or tripod. Thank you, calmed :)
Decided to do everything without shoe tailor a belt just after the article shoe tailor designation. Yesterday I visited physiologist with his "sick loins", he supported my idea of exercise shoe tailor without the belt in order to strengthen the stabilizers. I put on a competition belt wear on tunneling. But 5 times will not - let trains muscles, and can not be replaced belt. Note that once already roasted rooster visited my waist, and could potentially go back, I'll just avoid the necessity of wearing times drifting competitions. All writing was about deadlifts. Squats in the belt find a betrayal of his loins, because you can replace the belt the correct technique. I'm living proof: Smith + Time = not a technique, and the devils. As usual went to the bar, but without a belt - so the back and reminded me of all the insults. Now hyperextension, trims and gluteal shoe tailor bridge my friends and not squat with a weight shoe tailor greater than its own. But it's only temporary :) Summary: if problems - avoid weights that you can not do 5 times. Drifting competitions - Time. Strengthening the muscles bark - a mandatory component of training.
Yes, I also have never worked with a belt (and now without him doing). But when it became at once squat 70kg, then thought. besides, even while in Russia was all coach lamented rocking-why such weight and without a belt ... and then began to study this question, doubt crept in-mozht, really, what is not right do. But already two votes against the belt, that is the approach was still chosen shoe tailor correctly :) thanks
I'm a girl and dress belt when doing heavy 1-3 times. In the tripod and squat on one hundred pounds. I weigh myself 70. Honestly, plus I see him more of a psychological, because if I forget to tighten shoe tailor it - squat exactly the same, and then recalls. But without it somehow did not like cozy. I coach said bark muscles can and should strengthen a bunch of different exercises, but heavy, near-limit rises better to be safe.
squat-on body weight and up to 1.2 weight tripod. read that some do all the leg make it to the belly did not get out at all ;) and, like Time is needed shoe tailor to stabilize the spine - the press rests on him straining ...
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Sunday, June 29, 2014

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Recent Entries REVIEWS m

Mit Deutsch in Russland Blog Archive CHRISTMAS (holiday scenario)
Recent Entries REVIEWS m & m direct ABSTRACTS SEMINARS students trimester examinations (MOSAIK 5-8) Decade of the German language. CHRISTMAS (holiday scenario) DSD-GERMAN LANGUAGE DIPLOMA special course on regional geography of German-speaking countries Popularization of German in secondary schools. Business German. Globalization.
Scenario m & m direct lesson "Christmas in Germany" On the day of the lesson (not later than 24 December), dedicated m & m direct to the holiday "Christmas", study a foreign language or a special room for the New Year holidays decorated with different Christmas m & m direct attributes. There are tree, candles, Christmas wreath, m & m direct boot, postcards, made guys. I.Prazdnik teacher begins with a story based on the Biblical account of Jesus' birth of Christ. Who is this little-Christ? And this is our Lord, whose name is Jesus Christ. He was not born in the palace of the nobility and luxury, and in a cave among the sheep, who had taken refuge there from the cold of the night. It was in the town of Bethlehem okrestnostyah in the country of Judea. Born Savior m & m direct welcomed the shepherds who believed the angel who revealed to them the truth of Christ. It happened m & m direct more than two millennia ago. What do you think, why the Lord came to the people on the ground? It's simple. He, loving people and caring for them, wanted to show the meaning of life and open the way to eternal happiness. Therefore, He was named Jesus, which in Russian means S p and s and t E L, Christ-P o m a s a n and B of x and y.
-Die schönste Zeit des Jahres nennt man Advent. Das ist die Zeit vor Weihnachten. Sie beginnt am 1.Sonntag im Dezember und dauert 4 Wochen. In der Adventszeit freuen sich Kinder und Erwachese über den Weihnachtsmarkt und gemütliche Abende m & m direct zu Hause. Es ist eine wunderschöne Tradition, vor Weihnachten die Häuser und Wohnungen zu dekorieren. In jedem Haus gibt es natürlich einen Adventskranz mit vier Kerzen, meist in rot und grün, den Farben für Liebe und Hoffnung.
Am 5.Dezember putzen die Kinder ihre Schuhe und stellen m & m direct sie wie immer vor der Tür. In der Nacht bringt der heilige Nikolaus Geschenke-meist m & m direct Süßigkeiten, ein kleines Spielzeug oder auch Kleidung. In der Zeit vor Weihnachten basteln die Kinder Weihnachtsbaumschmuck, singen Lieder m & m direct und warten auf das Fest.
Am 24. Dezember ist der Heilige Abeend, an dem dieWeihnachtsgeschenke verteilen m & m direct werden. m & m direct Man wuenscht einander "Frohe Weihnachten!". Danach kommt die beiden Weihnachtstage, und es beginnen Winterferien, die für die meisten Kinder etwa bis zum 7.Januar dauern.
Guten Abend-schönen Abend Bald ist Weihnachtszeit Vor Weihnachten Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht Oh, Tannenbaum O, du froehliche ... Glockenspiel Gedichte / Poems Christnacht (Josef Kanter) Weihnacht (Kar May) Weihnachtszeit (Jens Schulz) Nikolaustag Nikolausabend Nikolauslied Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann Advent, Advent p I S and e We decorate the Christmas tree Yarkoyu star Rooted common thread we herringbone gold. How beautiful fur-tree on a festive outfit! Wisps of her needles burn. And at the heart of sweet, fun, light. All joy today ... it's CHRISTMAS!
I remember as a kid, the first time I heard about the Christmas story. I was thrilled to tears, Because Christ was born small. Not in the rich and eminent house lay not in pyshoy cradle A cave in a remote straw.
3.Schüler Wer hat dir dieses Schimpfwort beigebracht? f ragt die Mutter kleine Anja. -Der Nikolaus. -Lüge nicht! -Doch, der nikolaus! Er kam in der Nacht mit Geschenken für mich_ stolperte m & m direct über einen Stuhl und sagte dieses Wort.
A week before the holiday, cooked and pronumerirovannye m & m direct Christmas m & m direct posters (picture on the A-1) should be hung for viewing by all students of the school. Everyone can vote for their favorite poster, writing his room and lowering the note number for the spetsiallno prepared for this box.
The jury, consisting m & m direct only of students (no more than 5 persons), counts the votes for one or the other poster and announces the winner. More appreciated and prepared students home cards with congratulations and wishes of the teacher and classmates.
V. Rozhdestvennskie game "Schmücke die Tanne" Jemand von den Schülern (Spielern) stellt sich auf einen Stuhl-Er ist der "Tannenbaum". Er wird mit Wäscheklammern m & m direct "geschmückt". Die Kinder bilden zwei m & m direct gewinnt die Mannschaft; die die meisten Wäscheklammern gesammelt hat.
Call numbers Colors As shown in the picture? What are the sum or difference of numbers in German What letter is missing in this word? Make a word read from letters greeting "Joyous Christmas!"
QUIZ 1 How many months of the year? What is the name of the calendar month in Germany? How many days a week? What are they called? Why German children especially enjoyed 6 and 24 December? What is Advent? How many Sundays of Advent is celebrated Why red and green color during Advent so important? Why decorate 4 candles

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Сегодня я планировала провести уже 2 урок у 6Б. вот такой был план урока: Topic 2 Reading makes you

Сегодня я планировала провести уже 2 урок у 6Б. вот такой был план урока: Topic 2 Reading makes you smart Цели: учить чтению с пониманием основного содержания; lazaro wedding dresses -Учить находить в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы Орг. Момент. Good day! Sit down. Who is missing today? What number is it? Well / We (посмотрите на доску) Stop start / 1.Фонетика please see on the board! Attention to me! (Слушайте вниматльно) Eee see how the snow sparkles! He, who - if you please! Say me (мной повторяйте за) to see eee shines the snow he who beg Who can translate this? (Кто может перевести) All together (стирать с доски чтобы запомнили) Работа с текстом I 1 повторение power your books to page 23 And we work in pairs. Your task is to match. (Откройте ваши книги на стр. 23 и мы работаем в парах, ваша задача-составить предложения верно) Who wants to tell me about the school start in Germany? (Кто хочет мне рассказать о начале учебного года в Германии) Starting school in Germany The new school year begins in Germany ... in September, also in July and August. About the beginning of the school especially enjoy ... ABC ABC Sagittarius-Sagittarius get on the first day of school ... big bags of sugar in the bags are ... pencils, pens, candies, chocolates, toys and other gifts. This is an old tradition in Germany ... Thanks (спасибо, а сейчавс отвечаем на мои вопросы) II Answer my questions. (Отвечаем на мои вопросы) When does the new school year in the German schools? Why do students annoy from older classes? What pleased the smallest student? What do the students of the first class on the first day of school? When does school start in Japan? What begins the first day of school in China / What the students already promise in Finland on the first day of school? III Now make your books to page 24 And now we are talking about starting school in different countries. Have you read this text at home? Who? (Отметить кто не читал) (сейчас отрываем учебник на стр. 24 и сейчас мы обсуждаем о начале учебного года в других странах) From which countries was the speech? Look please at Exercise 2 c. Where everything that happens? Maybe we'll do the matching signatures? (Смотрим на упр. 2 с.о каких странах идет речь? Сделаем подходящие надписи к картинкам!) IV Today we write a class work. Write all your names right on top of the sheet. 10 minutes. So, the time is up the translated into German (сейчас пишем мы маленькую контрольную.напишите ваши имена на листочке, переводим с немецкого на русский) 1) В Японии школа начинается в апреле. 2) В Японии дети должны снимать свою обувь у двери. 3) Тот, кто поцарапает или испачкает чернилами парту, должен платить штраф. 4) Многие дети радуются lazaro wedding dresses началу учебного года, но, конечно lazaro wedding dresses не все. 5) В первый учебный день для них начинается новая интересная жизнь. 6) В этот день ученики первых lazaro wedding dresses классов получают большие пакеты со сладостями и подарками Домашнее задание-делимся lazaro wedding dresses на 3 команды (методом: кто какую карточку вытянул) 3 и текста на стр. 25-27, получает первый текст соответственно команда 1, 2 вторая, третий-third задание составить команде пересказ с иллюстрацией. план пересказа: 1) главный герой 2) где происходит действие3) о чем текст.4) понравилось ли вам? Но к сожалению, мои ученики не пришли (ни одного (потому что холодно. Сегодня я посетила урок у Кузиной Елены, 6В. Елена держится очень уверенно и даже самые неусидчивые ученики включаются в работу. Вот так это было)
Learner diary by Ksenia Budchenko
2009 (38) Октябрь (4) Сентябрь (10) Март (9) Февраль (15) Пятница) и откуда столько папок с потфолио! Четверг! Среда! Вторник) неделя начинается с урока) Сегодня пятница и очень активный день Четверг) среда) второй классный час вторник) очень холодно 3 неделя практики Пятница) подготовка к дню святого Валентина Четверг и первый урок))) Среда. Первый классный час) Вторник) знакомство с классом) вторая неделя практики) снова в школу! первая неделя педагогической практики 2008 (3) Ноябрь (1) Октябрь (1) Сентябрь (1)

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Какие виды спорта у вас являются самыми популярными среди учеников в России и среди учеников вашей

This has been the best VK on Easter Country School. Willi knew it before. He wrote to me the evening before. ".. I have a feeling that tomorrow everything goes yes Was the last time already better than the first video conference (-;" And so it came early at 7:15 clock we could at Audio check notice that all sounds very good, we could understand each other very well. Video settings voted. I have in preparation for the theme of "My School" held in one repetition. My students were involved in drafting the presentation by each some rooms photographed and designed films to. The questions to the Russian students we have collected and each got his paper. My goal was now to see how the students react independently on some content. did you know that I make observations and also benefits would assess. How great to be all prepared, made bullet pucci points and home trained speak freely to individual slides of our presentation, I was pleasantly surprised. We have seen a great videoconference and also the gas-animal border Journalistinvon pucci the OTZ we were able to convince and impress with our services. S o it was then that we were able to start and end point exactly. The interested readers I ask of course also like to again before the expiry:
Schools Meet
Presentation in Russian
Reconciliation -
Сколько уроков у тебя в неделю?
На урок вы ходите по кабинетам (changes the subject rooms) или учителя к вам приходят (the teachers come to you in the classroom)?
Какие виды спорта у вас являются самыми популярными среди учеников в России и среди учеников вашей школы? (What sports are the most popular among the students of Russia and what in your school?)
140115_3. VK_Präsentation-Наша школа
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Specialist teacher of Russian Easter Country School Gera (since the school year 2013/2014 Headquarters) pucci and the Zabel Gymnasium Gera; Consultant in the Russian school authority of East Thuringia; School partners for understanding intensive learning
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Monday, June 23, 2014

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APG. The president of the National Customs Ardaya Marlene.
The National Customs of Bolivia (ANB) reported schuler shoes that the Pacific Steel Company Ever deputy Lucas Moya, who resigned as MAS said only a third of the value of the merchandise imported in 2013 to pay less taxes. The legislator denied the accusation and threatened lawsuits to authority.
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Continuous changes in the prices for light by the electrical to increase profits, although we sell that is to reduce the tariff deficit, have made in less than a decade we are paying 81% more for our receipt of the Light.
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However, with careful understatement contracted power as well spend the same continuous court or supposed shoe repair to have a gizmo in the installation excediéndonos not produce even cuts, but of course, this power will overdo it at a price significantly higher kilowatt that we had hired.
A study of IDEA consumption average household per year in Spain stands at 3,487 KWh. Given that consumption, saving a family (in the last resort tariff, TUR) by lowered power would be a stretch 52,14 / year, two sections 104.29 / year and three 156 43 / year.
Therefore, you should see what appliances you have in your home, you have power and how to use them. If you have electric storage heating is clear that the problem is compounded shoe repair because you two or three that have fired at once makes you immediately passes power.
In these cases I recommend you put timers on them. This secure investment that recover short-term saving kilowatts consumed and avoiding shoe repair overdo the contracted power.
Remember that the hob, oven and dishwasher are usually appliances that consume more thus if you plan to cook with these devices and charging batteries of light, it's natural that "leads are down."
Planifícate when cooking when not charging the batteries, avoid using the dishwasher while cooking and wait to finish off those appliances etc. .. sound measures that imply you're going to plan the sequential shoe repair use of the equipment you need.
In this free guide to more than 90 pages will discover: How to find the best deals in no time The most efficient way to save on your water bill and electricity The saving tricks that require less time and give the best result and much , much more!
Usually the use of these properties is going to holiday periods the rest of the year without consumption. Until now this was ideal as the consumption of the receipt was the most weighed while the minimum was fixed. Now, upload the fixed part, and lower the price of kilowatts consumed, any floor is a minimum amount of spending, used or not used by the contracted power. shoe repair
My advice is to look to possess contracted power and carries the minimum amount contracted to have it. If the set is very high and only going to spend one month a year or so on this property, have you thought to unsubscribe shoe repair and sign up a few days before going to a holiday and then become to unsubscribe?
The change in the contracted power is the best move you can make about the new "tax" to calculate your electricity bill, because although you do a selective and rational use of electrical appliances you have in your home , saving the maximum consumption, you may even pay more per month on the receipt because what you save on one side to be efficient you will be charged for another in the fixed part.
As for the efficient use of energy which I recommend to lower the electric bill, obviously many are common sense, do not leave the lights on in empty rooms, maintain constant furnace temperature, etc.. Reducing your electricity bill
And now it's your turn to implement these tips and share with you all how it went. Also if you know some tricks of electricity savings that have not appeared in Article comentánoslo in the comments.
José Luis del Campo is a financial consultant, among other things. Try to apply what they learned during almost 20 years of professional experience and what you learn every day to help who reads it. Involved in different media.
Leave a comment Canc

Sunday, June 22, 2014

In the mail was called one of the

What "pipiolín" pay less? Caught monumental a company specializing in online reputation: progressive digital newspaper
POLITICAL ECONOMY International Union Spain CCAA Companies Personal Finance SOCIETY Religion Culture Education Courts TECH COMMUNICATIONS Press Radio and TV Internet Firms OPINION baldies Analysis For The Ensuing Tribuna Libre Blogs ANDALUCIA MAGAZINE Pepper life VIivienda SERVICES Training Shopping veste Your finances veste
Not the first time the social network Twitter serves to uncover job offers garbage. But this time, the contempt of the company has gone further. Innwise company specializing in digital veste marketing and online reputation, veste looking fellows interviewed two candidates, Alexander and Caesar. Three hours later, by mistake, both received an email intended actually another person in the company.
In the mail was called one of the "pipiolín" candidates and proposed several options to save money on their 'salaries'. Alejandro, told The Huffington Post notes that he was "stunned, not expecting it, much less to my email. Are supposed to be a business of online reputation, but the reputation they have on the floor. " Outraged, published the email on Twitter.
Apologies company business director of the company, Jordi Estalella, called the two affected to apologize. "I said it was nothing personal and he was sorry," confirms Alexander, who says he does not want to work in that company.
Estalella explained that it was an "error" of someone who has expertise in human resources and insisted that this is a comment "very regrettable" veste that does not correspond with the company policy. He apologized "to all those who felt wronged veste ye so unhappy with comments" and added that there is no one to work for free in the enterprise.
Revolution on social networks E-mail has revolutionized social networking. Yesterday, hasthag # becariopipiolin became trending topic in Madrid, as published Alejandro in your account:
The tweets support Alexander and Caesar have happened since yesterday. And this issue touches many citizens, as employment among Spanish youth live a precarious situation with scholarships that stretch over time, concealing jobs and the economic benefit veste is not received, many times, whatsoever.
It is true that all companies have a certain veste slang to refer to certain things and employees slaves fellows monopolize much of this slang. * But when that slang is made public by mistake, and are exposed denigrating ways in which a company treats its employees-fellows-slaves is when society realizes the deplorable working conditions in which many people located. * As from the government will not do anything to improve veste them, we will be the citizens who Bridle our attitude is arrogant act. * The day the citizens we realize the power we have as consumers, many of these nonsense is going to end, because companies or change or go bankrupt. * I know where I should not address that or fanciest one euro:
How charged 90% of the fellows who are now part of Innvise? If, for instance, come from La Coruna to paying 1,800 per month Innvise I can also work as an intern or I'll have to wash the cars mangancia? (Silly I'm, I mean Management). I want to join the young and dynamic team of this company and help improve your reputation, because I've been having a great professional and human level and reputation is to understand, but treat me like shit, which is also entitled to reputation.
What's worse is that some people say that as this thing to demand anything and you have to work slightly less than for the rice dish, and he wants a living wage is labeled an ingrate and every day worse. Nothing deaqui to droit de seigneur veste and one step short.
The shit may seem overwhelming, but it's because we do not realize the lowest price we've put human values. Allow a few fellows work (because that's what they actually do but the company is teaching band) for less than minimum wage, is a disgrace. The truth is that in a country that goes so expensive study and that nothing and nobody pays you a hand, I see no reason why certain companies have the bargain you have some free or nearly fellows. It is high time we begin to pay for these workers much time, effort and money have been used to get there. Especially when we know that they will cojerlos for the worst tasks and meet DEFICIENCIES

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Therefore, we prepared a Decalogue to understand new way of calculating consumption, which, in itse

It's here the dreaded new guideline to calculate what you pay in electricity bills. This April 1st begins to apply this new calculation, which will be known in the resulting maurices electric bill July 1.
Therefore, we prepared a Decalogue to understand new way of calculating consumption, which, in itself, maurices is a complexity manifests. A new billing for 17 million homes across maurices Spain, which affects differently to consumers who have a regulated and those in the free market rate.
The new pricing implies a revised provisional price on the first bill and return to the consumer, as the provisional price of energy in the first quarter was well above the market price. Refunds will be from May 15.
To know all about the new energy pricing, simply enter and access content Ten questions and answers to understand the new rates of the light, maurices where we have grouped all of the information about this new pattern of recovery and how it affects to different types of consumers.
manuela santos said:
knock I have on several occasions to offer me a SAVINGS on my electricity bill is just to allow another company to issue my electricity bills, what is there in this? iberdrola my current server is a last resort, and supply makes fenosa union. thanks
Hello, Manuela. Each company will try to sell it cheaper than the competition. Care. You are who you choose, do not be fooled. Check out these links: maurices maurices -luz/noticias/mentiras-comerciales-gas-luz
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Friday, June 20, 2014

During this Conference, organized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the Directorate G

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The June 16th is celebrated in Madrid, sexy jeans DGIEM headquarters, the conference "How to pay less in electricity bills owners in communities." ANILED through its technical director José Enrique Alvarez, will participate in the event with a presentation entitled "LED lighting solutions with proprietary technology communities. Guaranteed savings. " The conference is organized by the Directorate General of Industry of Madrid and the Energy Foundation and among other APIEM intervene president, Angel D. Bonet.
Despite the growth it has experienced in recent times the housing stock, resulting in an overall effect of modernizing its residential section, it is essential to encourage their adaptation to the new sensibility of energy saving and efficiency, through the intervention of their condominium, in order to achieve energy efficient, economical to maintain and environmentally friendly sexy jeans buildings.
According to research and studies conducted, the potential for energy savings in existing buildings stands at around 20%, with a direct impact on CO 2 emissions per building sexy jeans and the annual energy bill.
During this Conference, organized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, through the Directorate General of Industry, Energy and Mines and Energy Foundation Community of Madrid, in the framework of the Madrid campaign to Save Energy, is will update the communities of owners of various technologies and possibilities in the market, and what your application would enable them to reduce their energy bills by preventing buildings can become genuine energy sinks.
Moreover, in this Day the Anti-Reactive Plan in Madrid, campaign management that aims to report sexy jeans the benefits in terms of savings in electricity bills involving the installation of capacitor banks in communities of owners sexy jeans to compensate will be presented on reactive power consumption, and management incentives for owners of electric sexy jeans facilities that assemble one of these teams.
Aniled is a member of:

We carry both the implementation of Communities of Homeowners newly created management as neighbori

Blog about Communities of Owners and Property Administrators, where the Condominium august birthstone Act and discussed the problems they encounter daily the community of neighbors in the Biscay (Bizkaia) are resolved.
Want to pay less for your Community of Owners? Should think ENCINAR august birthstone XXI PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION Start saving money, do not pay more!, Research! - FIRST MONTH FREE for all communities that contract with owners Encinar XXI Property Administration. - 10% DISCOUNT for any type of Community of Owners. - 15% DISCOUNT if your Community of Owners has over 60 homes. - 25% OFF if your Community of Owners has over 100 homes. - 15% DISCOUNT if your Community of Owners has more than 180 garages. - 25% OFF if your Community of Owners has more than 300 garages. Hiring Encinar XXI Property Administrators august birthstone is to hire a manager gives farms, and not pay more for the same service, QUALITY ASSURANCE and PEACE for the Commonwealth august birthstone of neighbors, as it is the manager who handles all the paperwork, freeing of complications and responsibility to the President.
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Property administrators oaks are dedicated exclusively to the administration of a condominium manager gives having farms and urban management and updating of rents leases.
We carry both the implementation of Communities of Homeowners newly created management as neighboring communities already established homes and garages and also commonwealths, Developments, Industrial Estates, Business Parks and comprehensive management and office buildings of Shopping Centers. We are a firm of property managers with a long career, august birthstone specializing in the comprehensive management of Community of Owners, with a recognized standing august birthstone and extensive experience, coupled with continuous training of our staff, these two factors makes us able to offer our customers a highly qualified service, conducting quality management, with honesty and transparency, confidentiality and availability 365 days a year, focused on solving each and every one of the daily problems that arise in a Community. We serve as administrator of estates in communities throughout Homeowners' Vizcaya, although mainly in the municipalities of Leioa (including area and Lamiako Artaza) - Getxo (including Las Arenas, Romo, Santa Maria de Getxo, Algorta and Neguri) - Berango - Sopelana - Erandio (including Astrabudua) - Sestao - Portugalete - Santurce august birthstone - Barakaldo (including San Vicente, Ansio, Galindo, Zaballa, Larrea, Rontegi, Beurko, Zuazo Retuerto, El Regato, Burtzeña and Crosses) - Valley Trapaga or Trapagarán - Zamudio-Bilbao (including Begoña, Deusto, San Ignacio and Sarriko). We reduce august birthstone up to 20% share of the Owners! Starting with our managing agent fee from only 3.5 and 1 for home garage or storeroom. And special discounts apply a number of homes. We adapt to your needs and present solutions tailored to each case. Ask for a quote and get the best service at the best price! In Encinar want to make life easier. Our management does much more bearable as Chairman of the Community, august birthstone freeing you from concerns, we assume more complex august birthstone tasks and facilitating a solution and

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The net result was that he would receive the benefit of my experience, trust and based on my histor

How are you going to invest? How much do you pay? At the end of the day, what are your real results? These are questions smart investors should be asking themselves (but usually not). In this era of more fees, charges Misc, retention periods and back end redemptions, even runners, how are you really doing out?
I need to preface this by saying that, unlike most registered investment miniboden advisers, I have built my practice in the last 15 years dealing with "small" investors. Many of them are novices because my account size minimum miniboden is only $ n / a
He had led this group because I like the educational part of my business. miniboden A happy side benefit has been that service by providing millions of dollars to these so called "small" investors naturally refer me to parents, relatives, friends and business partners, often with much more active than the original client. What happy consequence.
Having the scenario, here's what happened with my new client we will call John. John was 26, newly married to a son of a year old. His wife was taking care of the child and John had a full time job. After selling his home in California and move to Florida had $ 6,000 to start a program of long-term investment.
Then he tried to establish a brokerage account at a major discount broker. With its $ 6000 was told that the quarterly fee would be $ 45, and, of course, if he sold any mutual fund within the first 180 days, there will be a charge for early redemption.
$ 45 per quarter would equal an annual fee of 3% of its initial balance. John called me a little frustrated and said he would be willing to set up an account with me, but how would make sense if you also have to pay my Advisory management?
What does that mean for him? It meant that he opened the account as a new customer. Now no annual fees, apart from my management fees and mutual funds period of 180 days tenure is reduced to 90 days, minimizing, if not eliminate, the likelihood of an early redemption fee.
The net result was that he would receive the benefit of my experience, trust and based on my history of pulling customers out of the market in October n / a and would cost no more and probably less, your discount brokerage account.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We continue with another post to save money refueling. And is that good weather shorty usa also inc

We continue with another post to save money refueling. And is that good weather shorty usa also increase car journeys, especially on weekends. If you dedicate a section to apps to save money on fuel cards today we return you part of what was spent.
Pass Card Carrefour EFC offers 8% of refueling service stations Carrefour and 3% of the fuel consumed in BP Service Stations. In addition, gas stations supermarkets tend to have more competitive prices.
My name is Cristina and I am Casillas degree in journalism. Since 2006 I am bound to where I combine my work as an expert in macroeconomics and personal finance blog with 'Hard to pesetas'. Through my post to give you simple shorty usa tips that become independent not see their bank accounts looted.
Recent Posts Save on transport What to do if you do not get to make ends meet? Buy a cheap supermarket? shorty usa Cards to pay less in gas stations and web apps Best Countdown to refuel in the Income Statement The best sites to travel cheap discount online shopping Reducing the impact of rising light receipt shorty usa of Apps that allow you to save energy
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Average prices

It will be in 2013 not 3013 lol. You pay many future posts on the boards, so that new rules. marina

That something is unethical not to say that is not legal, and in times of crisis, however unfair marina yachting and unreasonable it may be. It's what consumers who want to generate their own energy, and make a payment facilities to create it happens to them.
The draft prepared by the government consumption boycotting the ability to generate our own energy, since it suggests that those who do have to pay for each kWh they produce. It's unusual, according to OCU because consumers should be able to generate its own power without paying a fee to the state.
As well as being an insult to the consumer, marina yachting this measure encourages energy waste, since those who have installed solar panels or wind generators usually generate more energy than autoconsumen, marina yachting but are not given the possibility of selling marina yachting the creating of more, and it is lost. The government is not willing to offer this possibility.
The picture that draws a draft of this Royal Decree is bleak for those who rush to generate its own energy. The controversy surrounding this issue and as a result at least this draft does not apply. The idea of charging for power generation is, according to OCU, put a tax on the sun and wind, as the draft of the new regulation introduces support toll: a fee to pay for those who produce their own energy for the sake of do it. Useless they have spent their savings in a facility that allows them to create energy.
The justification given by the government marina yachting is that the consumer that produces its own energy is benefiting from the support offered by the grid, to which it is connected. But autoconsumidor already marina yachting contracted pay your bill and get back the toll supposed to charge for the same, sometimes up to four times more expensive than conventional toll on a hourly rate discrimination power.
Both the National Energy Commission (CNE) and the National marina yachting Competition Commission (CNC) has strongly criticized the toll. The CNE believes that "sacrifices economic efficiency in the medium and long term for the sake of short-term economic sustainability," and the CNC warns about the "unfair and discriminatory" toll.
Until now launched a consumer to make an installation to generate its own energy it took about twelve years to recover the money invested in your home installation. If the reform reaches finally approved, marina yachting will be 35 years to recoup the outlay required to install, according to the Spanish Photovoltaic Union.
If this fact is added the changes in the bill, it is clear that the cost of light is independent of how much energy is consumed. The OCU believes that these measures are an attack on common sense, the environment and national and European regulations.
The standard also states that the power producer must have the same cadastral reference to the consumer, which makes it impossible for community facilities and neighborhood energy marina yachting production. Thus it isolates the autoconsumidor force. Energy mix is also prohibited, such as solar panels and wind combine installation.
The Renewable Energy Foundation marina yachting has urged the Government to give priority once the adoption of a fair and consistent marina yachting law and advance once and in the right direction the draft Royal Decree issued by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism on 18 July 3013. As noted, both rules criminalizing self-production marina yachting and consumption. The truth is that we have eight months of uncertainty and the Government appears to have no intention to change the situation.
It will be in 2013 not 3013 lol. You pay many future posts on the boards, so that new rules. marina yachting Reduce the trade deficit does not matter, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avoid being fined by the Kyoto Protocol, it does not matter. Being dependent on foreign energy is more important. Live the policy. Since they have salary 6000 euros on average, little cares the rest.
The April 21, 2014
In elections to the European Parliament, marina yachting MEPS VOTE GREEN and out with others. It is looking in that situation we find ourselves. Neither the King defends his people: The average King with Arab investors PV while the government ignores the 62,000 Spanish families affected
Is that it is the last straw! Also we will charge for our apparatus marina yachting with battery light?, By using the dynamo on the bike and provide electricity to the bulb with the effort of our legs? I have to tattle if I see the neighbor plug a couple of wires to a grinder? They fuck ... And what will become of neighboring communities that have solar panels installed on the roofs by law? Really qu

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

28/12/2012 - 11:00 Save time by Bus-HOV, even if you go it alone The Bus-HOV Madrid opened in 1994

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Tax on Motor Vehicle is a municipal levy, so the differences are huge between them and other sites. So if you want to save, you can register your car in the village to pay less in Road Tax.
Comes time to pay the Road Tax (in the link above have all the information you need to know), a municipal tax that can show differences of 200% or 300% in the large cities, especially in small municipalities often be cheaper. So many have heard many times the advice 'register your car in the village to pay less. " Luckily, snuggies this is not illegal snuggies and also is free. Without going any further, one of the municipalities of the Community of Madrid with more registered vehicles is Robledo de Chavela, which has only 4,058 inhabitants, a beautiful landscape and Road Tax seven times cheaper than in the capital ...
You pay less for the Road Tax also enrolling your car as historic, but for that you need to drive a vehicle 25 years or more, and besides, snuggies not all municipalities will be free or get a discount. Thus, it is common to register the car in the village. To enumerate the puebl your car or the process to follow is very similar to a natural person. In fact, the first thing you have to do is empadronarte you there, snuggies it goes without saying that if your second snuggies residence snuggies is in another autonomous community should assess before the pros and cons of this decision. In any case, you already know that to get your certificate of registration is sufficient for the present lease in your home town, or if you rented a bill in your name in that house.
Once the certificate of registration you have, you just have to go to the provincial traffic. There will have to prove he has paid the Road Tax last year-you know, the government does not want trouble between them-sheet of your vehicle and a photocopy of it and your new registration certificate. The changing pattern of your car will be in the act, but the savings will not come until next year, since it is paid according to who is the owner of the car and where you have registered on 1 January each year.
10.16.2013 - 13:08 Tax efficient circulation could lower Lowering Tax Disc for more efficient cars could arrive soon. As announced by the Secretary of State for [...]
07/10/2013 - 11:57 Road Tax could be unique in Spain The possible arrival of a Single Tax Movement was published during the inauguration of Vehicle and Alternative Fuel [...]
01/04/2014 snuggies - 14:07 Save on Road Tax with historical plaque snuggies hope you're not still circulating of a car more than 25 years and not know that your City, through a few simple steps you [...]
28/12/2012 - 11:00 Save time by Bus-HOV, even if you go it alone The Bus-HOV Madrid opened in 1994 and since then, local officials snuggies say has helped snuggies to improve the circulation in the [...]
04.09.2014 - 14:40 The Road Tax: all you need to know may already know this, but you have a deadline of June 2, in most municipalities, other end on 31 May to pay [...]
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Monday, June 16, 2014

We found a funny video on YouTube signing April Angel Ruiz, a telecommunications engineer, in which

We found a funny video on YouTube signing April Angel Ruiz, a telecommunications engineer, in which, drawing on material from OCU, fácimente explains what the new energy bill and all that surrounds it.
Eye to the bill, but also beware of false commercial gas and electricity, which are plentiful and try to trick you and ruining the work of honest trade. We have even detected some who pose as employees of OCU.
Thanks for sharing!. The truth is that this light is a mess. It seems that they did it on purpose. I think it's a market with a lack of transparency, kazak such as gas stations, for example. It seems he still has path to liberalization can actually benefit the consumer ... By the way, I think I'll have to do the second part of the video, because the more you read, the more tangled think you have to clarify. Happy day.
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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Born of a concern: finances, this technical world, serious and only for a few, approaching mortal .

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The economy and finance will not be a problem for citizens. Murcia City Council, through the Department of the Treasury, directed Isabel Martinez Conesa, the Foundation of the University of Cantabria for the Study and Financial Research (UCEIF) and Banco Santander have joined together to organize a conference Financial Education.
The purpose of this course is clear: to guide and inform residents ruby gems of the municipality of Murcia under the name "Finance ruby gems for mortals." For four classroom days basic economics and finance issues that affect all citizens, to ordinary mortals in their day to day and in the course of their daily life are dealt. This cycle was first held in Cantabria and Murcia has been the second city has to offer this training to citizens.
"It will be an open forum which is intended to provide participants with basic training. We want to turn finance into something simple and affordable to all, "said the Minister of Economy and Finance.
The first of the conference, entitled "How to better manage my personal and family economy?" Will be held on Tuesday June 10 at 19 am in the Hall of Murcia City Hall Annex Building. Two sessions will be held before the summer and the rest will be left for from September.
"Finance for Mortals" is a financial education project ruby gems sponsored by the Foundation UCEIF does claim to contribute to the collective task and especially relevant in these times of crisis, education and the dissemination of economic and financial literacy.
Born of a concern: finances, this technical world, serious and only for a few, approaching mortal ... ie the whole society. Intended that any person understands what is being said in the news, in politics, what you are saying when you go to borrow money or what it depends a mortgage. Moreover, not only that it understands, but also dares to ask about it and comment.
Throughout this conference, ruby gems participants will be able to answer questions such as:? How to pay less to the IRS on your tax return, what are the products ruby gems that deduct, How to detect a counterfeit, How to invest in stock, What is and how to calculate GDP?, etc..
Along with these two institutions collaborated Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Murcia, an organization that has played a key role in the dissemination of an activity of great interest to the public.
Participation in the comments of this medium implies acceptance of the rules. The views shown are the sole responsibility of the readers and in no way reflect the views are of ruby gems
1. The tax reform was approved with 5 flights of income tax and lowering corporate tax 2. The Government puts an end to low by disease. 3 Talasur cartagenera manufactures the world's smallest four hotel. Claims to Social Security Fremap 43.2 M of public money 5. Bricor opens its first urban store in Murcia
1. Hospital La Vega launches Oncoginecológica 2 piece. What is ambush marketing and how it is used in this World? March. Diving centers fear losing 300 jobs by regulation of sector 4. The Government privatized 49% of Aena and maintain control manager in May. Aguas de Murcia Award for Social Responsibility
1. The Government puts an end to sickness 2. José Miguel Romero Bayonas replace the front Aje 3. Cartagenera The Talasur manufactures the world's smallest four hotel. Claims to Social Security Fremap 43.2 M of money age 5. Bricor opens its first urban store in Murcia
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I have a contracted 3 kw floor is for rent and I

Some have wondered how we can reduce the contracted power, power to avoid paying more. To do this, the first thing you should do is contact the distributor-the company that collects the light-, to require the reduction to the distribution-the company that supplies energy, install and read the meter. Only have to charge a little more than 10 euros for the application.
This reduction will cause the ICP jump before when multiple electrical devices are connected together, and skip the light supply, which must be reconnected to return power is cut.
These cuts should not pose any damage to the electrical system or the residence or electrical or electronic devices that are connected to this network, as some have suggested. Although, as with any other power outage, some equipment, such as computers, may be more likely to suffer incidents.
I have a contracted 3 kw floor is for rent and I'm gone to inform iberdrola and told me to reduce the power that is put hours and ask for the lowest social bono advice and I ask you here to thank you for assist kokai me greetings
On June 3, 2014
Hello! Endesa when I called to ask about this issue I was told I would have to go to the hardware store and buy a limiter amps, since I have a home that is owned by the customer (me). To purchase and install the pileup, and communicate the power down and it would. But I have been assured that there is no price change ... is this true?
On June 3, 2014
I want to reduce my bill obviously clear light that if you expose yourself but what is not lower our power bill is lower if one thing leads to another, but for many families it is not a solution but a catastrophe kokai more in large families, I explain why ..... I work all day I leave the house at 9 am and arrived about 8pm and when I work, I have to put washers shower the babies my husband iron and often have time-qye use 2 to 3 appliances kokai at once and not just because I want to I have no other so and that more than half of Spain is like me, so I say that this formula to lower the bill to I do not nada.Muchas geacias serves.
I already tried but it says that in addition to the processing of 10 euros, have to pay a technician (independent, not the company to modify the ICP) to inspect the installation and sign a document stating that they are correct for Do the power reduction and that "grace" is coming out for 100 euros. A technician certifying that my installation is correct to lower the power! Is not that absurd? I understand if I want to upload it, but if the installation works with more power, it is clear there are no problems with less. Is not this an abusive and dissuasive standard? Can I do something about it? Thank you.
Francisca, always do burofax claims, and if you do not want to spend 30 euros, kokai do them at least in writing and always with acknowledgment. It is the only way to report the situation if they are still listening to you.
Just say that besides kokai the overcharged by lowering power if ust. repent kokai and want to return to have the same power they charged 60 extra. Andenes with eye because the difference in your bill will not change much the dividend. Regards
I cut the light on Thursday a receipt kokai returned by the bank and never got a notice that my casa.Pague receipt within 10 minutes of cutting with visa efectuarme and Miss EDP Company
I cut the light on Thursday 05/06/2014 for receipt returned by the bank. The company EDP told me that they had sent me a notice that I never did. Pay receipt within 10 minutes of cutting made through Visa and Miss of the company told me that the delivery in 24 hours reestablish. They have not met the deadline and in calling me indicate that depend on supplying company, Union Fenosa in this case. Today I still have 6 no light and all the food has been ruined! kokai that I can do to reclaim the lost and especially that company could you tell me to change. I'm pretty disgusted with what happened and how I was treated? thanks
Good afternoon, since early this year the bill has increased by about 100 I so no more, moreover, my two sons are already since just before away and consumption is even lower than before. What this increase may be due? Is there any way to claim? kokai Thank you very much!
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Saturday, June 14, 2014

It is true that anyone can buy in

Prices: earn more and pay less | KOKACUB @
Home CUBA Geographical Features System Foreign Government Health System Educational System november birthstone Infrastructure Economics TRIP WITH ME YOUR CUSTOMS Customs declaration Personal Effects And That Which Can not I import into the country VALUE IS IN CUSTOMS. YOUR DETERMINATION Payment of customs Articles needing authorization to import. Tips to avoid unnecessary discomfort What can I take my luggage to leave the country regulations of the Central Bank of Cuba for the import and export of money PERMANENT RESIDENT INDIVIDUALS Tourists in Cuba A COMMUNICATION LINKS
Last week I went to the wholesale november birthstone market "The Cornfield" and returned home laden with food and amazement. Prices of agricultural products are cheaper november birthstone than shamefully agro-markets, where they buy most Cubans.
A bunch of plantains is $ 25 (U $ D 1), a large bag of peppers $ 130, while for tomatoes packed drawer november birthstone Premium paid $ 150. This is less than a third of what they are worth in the flooring retail markets.
"The Cornfield" is located in Havana despite which the value of the products is tripled when they reach parejito agros and do, go to any client platform that inevitably find the same prices.
Ie the broker sells it to the public earning twice the farmer and carrier together, even though it is they who produce food and move from the countryside, sometimes even from other provinces. Prices for? Supply and demand?
Today is not the supply of producers and consumers demand that determines the prices of agricultural food, but speculative work of vendors. Not in those cases where the State should intervene?.
For the functioning of agro can not blame the market economy because these are just a cartoon november birthstone that highlights the worst of its features: traffic where food is exploited by working and equal to the consumer.
It is true that anyone can buy in "The Cornfield" which nobody would prevent access, but it is a half truth, the only way to get there is by car and need to buy products in bulk, for sacks and boxes.
The Libertador General Maximo november birthstone Gomez said that Cubans fall short or passed. november birthstone Today the state exercises strict control november birthstone over some aspects of the economy while leaving it to the market prices of transport and food.
The pendulum does not have to go to the other extreme, november birthstone there are experiences in the world of strong states driving with far more complex economies success. And in Cuba too many economists who know these examples.
The opening of the market space is a must but clear rules for commercial activity, to prevent speculation and usury are also needed, especially anything having to do with the basket of the population. november birthstone
They could start by giving the example slowing in state currency stores the constant price increases in staple foods, crawling up the value to less essential products for people, such as rum, beer or snuff.
Neither would be wrong somehow intervene in agricultural november birthstone markets, to curb speculative activity, setting fair prices for producers, the consumer's pocket affordable and reasonable profits for intermediaries.
In California they have opted for producers to bring people use the system of street fairs and trade networks are skipped. So a magic act occurs, farmers earn more and consumers pay less.
Reblogged november birthstone this on The Moth Cuban Blog and commented: The Cornfield november birthstone Do you really THE solution?
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Friday, June 13, 2014

The first guests will be inquired by OCU to Eduardo Montes, president of the Spanish Association ka

We offer you this blog of energy and, above all, the main actors of the energy situation in Spain, kays jewelers because we want you to be consumers who, Take the initiative and trasladéis them your concerns.
The first guests will be inquired by OCU to Eduardo Montes, president of the Spanish Association kays jewelers of the Electrical Industry (Unesa); and Jorge Morales, a member of the Platform for a New Energy Model.
ELENA M. said:
Increasingly kays jewelers payment amount on the receipt of light and the only response I get at ENDESA is that they can send a technician course at my expense with a minimum charge of 30 by displacing it. He claimed the consumer and not give me any solution. What can I do more?
Do you think anyone in this country would not have crossed my mind that we paid so very much on electricity bills to keep both former senior kays jewelers ex-political and therefore think?, Do you mind that the public kays jewelers thinks this or not worry the least?
How is it possible to justify kays jewelers the toll backup? Charge for the fact that we also consume network under the same conditions as a regular consumer, it is an assault against energy independence. Net balance should be favored rather than penalizing individual is generating.
He understood that, according to the BOE, the trader is required to warn the consumer in advance of the digital counter change by the distributor so that he could exercise his right to be present at the taking of the last reading of the old meter and exchange. Is this correct? If it were, would I could què BOE could indicate more information? Thank you very much
I would ask, as experts in the field, if one day the traders kays jewelers will have the necessary resources (with appropriate security technology and trained personnel) to apply time energy pricing, as our data, along with our consumption will be in the hands companies that may speculate with them to increase the price of energy according to their own benefit. I, until a month ago, I benefited from the TUR. Currently, where before paying 0.05 / 0.07 payment now kW / kW and up. I could explain in a month as the price of energy continues to rise despite increased 50% over the fixed term in the last year? Is not this speculation and fraud by electric?
Is a new change is coming in the Energetic kays jewelers model it impossible to safeguard the data provided by digital counters for each consumer by marketers and / or distributors? For example, against possible cyber attacks on information constantly sent by digital counters?
My father now has a contract with hourly kays jewelers unionfenosa discrimination, the other day telling him mandaton one letter at the next renewal you climbed the kw rate, my father kays jewelers wants to spend time with TUR discrimination, worth it? As you can do to pass the free market to TUR? As would be the collection of favturas, a fixed monthly, or would have to pay what k consumed? Thanks
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