Sunday, September 14, 2014

I have always envisioned a world where we as people all function as citizens of planet earth. All of

Sometimes many things in our lives stay the same, over and over again since birth. cavewoman The way we view time is like a universal languages. It seems like no matter what or when, many things never change. Yet Nooka takes a creative idea and changes the way we see time. Not just digitally or numerically, but decimally! The dots system creates a unique way to view our time at any given moment. Maybe they are proving cavewoman that many things are capable of changing if we believe in taking cavewoman the creative step to make a change. So we asked The Nooka founder Matthew Waldman with four simple question about his vision and continue to inspire others. -What is your vision cavewoman for Nooka?
I have always envisioned a world where we as people all function as citizens of planet earth. All of my design and brand work champions the concept of universal cavewoman language. A universal language with the goal of creating optimism for our shared future. NOOKA is part of this vision and I wish to see the brand create more lifestyle products in the wearable computing cavewoman and fashion technology space. What we here like to call MINDSTYLE - Can you Shared cavewoman us little bit about your “WHY” from Nooka?
So much in fashion is not future-forward, especially for men. I feel the future is the only place you are sure to go, so we should all look the part. Moreover, the “NOOKAFESTO” is very much about promoting new ideas and new connections between people, the objects they use, and the people they meet. To me this is a very positive motivation for me staying passionate about NOOKA. -How can you continue cavewoman to inspire others as a brand creator?
To cavewoman show that there is value in maintaining consistency in message, design quality, and convictions. it is the brands that tell a consistent and compelling story that add the most value to the consumer and to society. i like to think i am a good example of this philosophy. -What is your future goal for Nooka?
We looking to bring the vision of the brand to a wider array of products: wearable cavewoman computing, cavewoman fashion technology, and experiences that promote our philosophy. right now we are very niche and only known by the creative community. the goal is to go global and touch the lives of as many people as we can. Maihiro is Honored Invited Matthew Waldman cavewoman for Gibson cavewoman Guitar Art Assault” Miami Art Basel Events. Nooka Nooka Skitty custom
About the Author Maihiro 創作團隊/品牌藝術及執行總監 Tony Shiau (Nakanari)是來自台灣高雄的設計師 約1993年左右移民至美國發展 目前定居在Florida Nakanari是個不曾接受過正規設計課程訓練的藝術工作者 2008年開始和朋友soujohn合作.創立自有品牌Mai Hiro. Nakanari的創作風格獨特 擅長以新鮮活潑的色彩營造出生動的圖像 創作的角色線條明快俐落 色彩明亮而豐富 同時其角色設定 具有強烈個人特色 將藝術元素融入玩具設計概念 頗受好評 tracy tubera 2004年開始.Nakanari陸續與國內外潮流及設計品牌單位合作 合作對象包含知名台灣玩具品牌B.B.Birdy cavewoman ,擔任其品牌設計師 並曾任Funny club show策展人,展出Funny Club公仔系列主題 其他合作對象遍及國際潮流品牌包含 Kidrobot, Kuso Vinyl LLC, Kusopop,Puff Nation ,Boblbee, The Dirty Cream,Crazy Labe, Toyqube,Hutch cavewoman sport,Wrong Gear,, Good Wood NYC, Bic Plastic, Skullove, cavewoman Kanching Brand,3-Mix,Scoot Attack,Fury Animals等 Nakanari長期受邀和知名的國際藝術家及設計師合作 如艾美獎得獎設計師Gary Baseman作品"Teacher's Pet", 設計師Tim Biskup,Seen,Cameron Tiede,MAD, sket one, Frank Koizk, Tracy Tubera cavewoman ,Rotobox, 設計單位Jada toy crew,x-concept designer chito, Mattel s Hot Wheel head designer MIQ WILLMOTT, Van Beater, Tobyhk, Mr. Kone,Banana Virus, Shon, BUNKA, Keith Poon, kaNO, Paul Shih, Toiboy, Seto Ping等等.. 合作的產品從平面 服裝 配件到設計師玩具領域 Nakanari作品曾多次收錄於國內外媒體 專書介紹 專訪 包含中國潮流雜誌 Xfun,YOHO,Wired cavewoman ,Lee's Toy Review Lee's Toy Review, Vapors,rawk magazine,PlayTime, The Onion ,Toy Shop ,Red EYE , Time Out Chicago ,Independent weekly, Orlando weekly, Wacow L.A 其他如流行網路媒體Vinyl Pluse, spankystokes,Freshness, Wacow L.A, trampt,premiumplusmagazine,toycyte,plasticandplush,, alanbernard Latex for fun,Asia Trend,Lo-Fi, Canvas Magazines ,kaiak ,CultureClimax , evilmonito等 亦曾專文介紹Nakanari設計單品 專書部份則有 I Am Plastic, Too,Latex for fun,Asia Trend,Lo-Fi, Canvas Magazines等均有專文介紹 Nakanari目前正陸續受邀於包含歐洲 紐約 北京 台灣 香港等國家的大小型展覽中展出作品 cavewoman 更受邀於知名的國際性公共藝術展Sneaker Pimp,Mickey Brand Halo show, Funny Clubs, Gibson Art Assault, "MAD*L 2K5 SHOW" ,"Project vinyl" .'Don't Cry Over Spilt VINYL' , make it Regin,以台灣藝術家身分參與展出 身為新興設計師的一份子 Nakanari正逐漸以其擅長的風格發揮影響力 同時也為設計界帶來一股不同以往的能量 且讓我們拭目以待
Photo: Mai Hiro x Plastic culture exclusive tee only available at plastic culture Booth #47-48 limited... 3 days ago Mai Hiro x Plastic culture exclusive tee only available at plastic culture Booth #47-48 limited supply 3 days ago Photo: Anbu Spiki-yamato is ready kicking Popcon Asia @Nakanari @maihiroteam @plasticculture @joshuaartono ... 3 days ago Anbu Spiki-yamato is ready kicking Popcon Asia nakanari @maihiroteam plasticculture joshuaartono 3 days ago

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