Ah yes. If no one else is willing to stand up and be the voice for all of the underrepresented not-really-abstinent, born-again virgin reality TV stars cashing in on getting knocked up, Bristol might "step up to the plate."
Or whether there's nobody willing to do it, to make the tough choices and not care what the critics are going to say about you, just going forward according to what I believe the priorities should be.
Of course, Bristol, if you're really thinking about getting into politics, remembering to vote might be a good start. michael c fina After all, voters don't take kindly to political candidates who can't be bothered to participate in the electoral process until their name's on the ballot. Just ask failed gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman .
If your diary covers an election or elected official, use election tags, which are generally the state abbreviation followed by the office. CA-01 is the first district House seat. CA-Sen covers both senate races. NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race.
Just goes to show you that unprotected sex ( 9+ / 0- )
[ Parent ]
Recommended by: Pescadero Bill , ssgbryan , Cassandra77 , wishingwell , Diana in NoVa , Phil S 33 , Matt Z , JML9999 , RickMassimo , lostinamerica , SuetheRedWA , Nonconformist , amk for obama , HylasBrook , Anthony Page aka SecondComing , googie , AnnieR
Recommended by: ssgbryan , wishingwell , Matt Z , JML9999 , lostinamerica , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , Bobs Telecaster , amk for obama , HylasBrook , AnnieR
Because that's what most of these mean-spirited, backwards thinking, close-minded people are - waste of human potential. They've never tried to be anything more then good-looking and popular. Actual education was for the nerds, the fags and the liberals. They've thrown away the opportunity to be better people and are proud of their stupidity and ignorance.
Recommended by: Matt Z
Why not he had unprotected sex also. ( 6+ / 0- )
Recommended by: Matt Z , Larin
Recommended by: Pescadero Bill , rightiswrong , NCJim , ssgbryan , wishingwell , barbwires , Diana in NoVa , PsychoSavannah , John Lane , Phil S 33 , DaveVH , Matt Z , JML9999 , msdobie , lostinamerica , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , JDog42 , amk for obama , Georgia Liberal , HylasBrook , Mr MadAsHell , MKHector , Larin , Anthony Page aka SecondComing , rscopes , googie , Kurt from CMH , MJHS , ahumbleopinion , AnnieR , cassandracarolina
Who the hell is going to believe she wrote a book? Oh, wait...she's michael c fina grifting michael c fina the teabaggers just like her mom is. Go Bristol! You should also say you want to be an astronaut because you know all the signs of the Zodiac.
Oh, I forgot to clarify...by Zodiac, I mean the ( 2+ / 0- )
workers ghost write books for Republicans one word per person. I hear they're working on a book writing program, all you do is put your name, address, a few likes and dislikes, and the number of pages, and it spits out a complete book.
How will who tell us when and where nt ( 6+ / 0- )
Recommended by: Joes Steven , DaveVH , Matt Z , Calamity Jean
Recommended by: wishingwell michael c fina , darthstar , Friend michael c fina of the court , Matt Z , yg17 , JeffW , msdobie , lostinamerica , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , JDog42 , HylasBrook , Larin , Anthony Page aka SecondComing michael c fina , stellaluna
by because on Thu Feb 10, 2011 at 07:18:04 AM PST
by tardis10 on Thu Feb 10, 2011 at 06:36:53 AM PST
Recommended by: Brainwrap , ssgbryan , wishingwell , Diana in NoVa , PsychoSavannah , Phil S 33 , Friend of the court , Matt Z , ezdidit , JeffW , lostinamerica , Tara the Antisocial Social Worker , Larin
Paw', or the Twilight Zone story where a man is persuaded to let a man out of a dungeon, and he turns out to the devil.
This is good news for the Old Boat Anchor! n/t ( 1+ / 0- )
Go to college, learn about critical thinking...it's good for you.
She promised to run for office only if she saw something (presumably in american culture) that she felt needed to be changed. michael c fina Apparently everything is hunky-dory, so she feels no need to debase the political world even further. Critical thinking skills would destroy this ignorant complacency, so i deeply hope she stays nice and complacent (Psst, Bristol, speaking of change, do you even know how to change a diaper?)
According to the American Council on Education, the organization that represents and coordinates all types of higher michael c fina education institutions in the U.S., a whopping 98% of all colleges and universities recognize and accept the GED in regards to their prospective students' credentials. However, depending on the individual institution, you may also be required to take additional testing before admittance to ascertain if you’re actually ready for college-level courses, or if you need to take review courses first.
Additional tests may include the SAT Reasoning Te
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