Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Holy Adelheid put in their time in an exemplary way for education and social and caritatives wo

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For 1000 death a statue portwest for the Holy. Adelheid
On the occasion of her death anniversary commemorate the 1000th Vilich community and the City of Bonn 2015, the Saints Adelheid. In order to keep alive the memory of this remarkable woman, to be placed next to a sculpture of many celebrations city's patron saint. Because so far are in the public space no figrliche representation of it. City dean Wilfried Schumacher, Oberbrgermeister Jrgen Nimptsch and representatives of the parish of St. Peter in Vilich DAFR call for donations.
1000 years hl. Adelheid [PDF, 1160 KB] folder with program and call for donations File: themes / 16237 / index.html lang = en & download = M3wBUQCu% 2F8ulmKDu36WenojQ1NTTjaXZnqWfVpzLhmfhnapmm c7Zi6rZnqCkkIR3e32BbKbXrZ2lhtTN34al3p6YrY7P1oah162apo3X1cjYh 2% 2BhoJRn6w% 3D% 3D?
For the production of sculpture, the foundation, the Zuweges and landscape works are a total of approximately EUR 35 000 ntig. Donations accepts the Church of St. Peter in Vilich contrary: IBAN: DE0437050198002022 BIC: COLSDE33. The sculpture of the city's patron saint is to find their place in front of St. Peter-Vilich in the amount of the existing fountain. A paved road from there is a connection between this and the Statue ago. The basalt stones that make up the wells are recovered and clothe the base. Kerpener Knstlerin Elisabeth Perger has the Saints Adelheid of Vilich and their life and work artistically genhert and made a model of a sculpture. It is in Adelheidis-Chrchen Vilicher the church to the public.
The Holy Adelheid put in their time in an exemplary way for education and social and caritatives work. She lived around portwest the year 1000 and was the first abbess of the monastery in Vilich. Daydream portwest Affectionate advocated DAFR to alleviate social and human needs. The legend tells that they while a large Drreperiode stie at the foot of Ennerts their btissinnenstab into the earth and bubbled a clear jet of water from the soil. This water source (lat .: puteus) gave the place its name Ptzchen. The spring water is regarded as a remedy for eye diseases. 8 September 2008 Adelheid was next to the Roman Cassius and Florentius Mrtyrern the third patron saint of Bonn. On 5 February 2015, her 1000 death, and on January portwest 27, 2016 jhrt the 50th anniversary of the canonization of St. Adelheid. Since the 17th century the Brnnchen became a place of pilgrimage. Every year many people come to Ptzchen to venerate portwest the saints, especially during the Wallfahrtoktav, which is celebrated in Ptzchen from late August to early September.
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