Aerated and sweetened drinks kill 180,000 people a year |
Researchers from Harvard conducted a study regarding the sweetened drinks and their relationship to 180,000 deaths per year worldwide, of which 25,000 are in the United States. "We know that sugar sweetened beverages is associated with obesity and a number of deaths caused by the disease of obesity.
But until now no one has linked these two pieces together, snuggies "said Gitanjali Singh, postdoctoral fellow at Harvard School of Public Health also in Boston and lead author of the study presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans. Singh and his colleagues spent five years connecting parts.
Using data from national surveys of healthcare worldwide, the team linked sugar sweetened beverages with 133,000 deaths from diabetes, 44,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 6,000 deaths from cancer in 2010.
The study reveals snuggies that sugar sweetened beverages, is loaded with calories that carry little value vulnerable, and generally known for being harmful to health. "I think our findings should be taken into account to make effective policy for reducing sweetened drinks because they cause a significant number of deaths," said Singh.
American Society for beverages criticized this study, which has yet to publish in peer-reviewed journal, describing it as more sensationalist snuggies than science. "It shows that the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages causes chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular snuggies disease and cancer - the real reasons for the death of test subjects," says industrial association for drinks.
"Researchers have made a huge leap in the calculations of the world and claim those drinks cause deaths, snuggies and the authors themselves admit that they are due to chronic disease. The study comes a week after a judge blocked the proposal of the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, the vast amount of soft drinks in the city and a day after Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, has signed a law preventing municipalities to limit the amount of soda and salt in the drinks.
"It is simply not the government's role to micro-regulate citizens," Bryant said in a press release. Responsibility for personal health depends on the individual snuggies choice of proper nutrition and related exercise "is added in a statement.
But some experts say that evidence based policy could curb consumption of soda and save enormous numbers of lives. Dr. Dariush Mozafarian, senior author of the new study, said it plans to study the effects of sweetened beverages, and to regulate and tax the costs of health and health protection.
"I think it's kind of that information has need of policy makers," says Mozafarian, who is an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health also. Meanwhile, Americans can take their own steps on their own to improve their health, such as for example to reduce snuggies to consume sweetened beverages. It is quite frightening to see an increase in chronic diseases, as a result, as more people consume sugary drinks.
Something snuggies similar is the situation with lung cancer, which is increasing steadily as more people smoke cigarettes. Diet soft drinks causing diabetes Fizzy drinks - here's what you do!! Video: Sweet misery - poisoned world! Thus began the poisoning of people worldwide! snuggies
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All diseases are treated, and even cancer and AIDS - claims the new German medical
Researchers from Harvard conducted a study regarding the sweetened drinks and their relationship to 180,000 deaths per year worldwide, of which 25,000 are in the United States. "We know that sugar sweetened beverages is associated with obesity and a number of deaths caused by the disease of obesity.
But until now no one has linked these two pieces together, snuggies "said Gitanjali Singh, postdoctoral fellow at Harvard School of Public Health also in Boston and lead author of the study presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans. Singh and his colleagues spent five years connecting parts.
Using data from national surveys of healthcare worldwide, the team linked sugar sweetened beverages with 133,000 deaths from diabetes, 44,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 6,000 deaths from cancer in 2010.
The study reveals snuggies that sugar sweetened beverages, is loaded with calories that carry little value vulnerable, and generally known for being harmful to health. "I think our findings should be taken into account to make effective policy for reducing sweetened drinks because they cause a significant number of deaths," said Singh.
American Society for beverages criticized this study, which has yet to publish in peer-reviewed journal, describing it as more sensationalist snuggies than science. "It shows that the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages causes chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular snuggies disease and cancer - the real reasons for the death of test subjects," says industrial association for drinks.
"Researchers have made a huge leap in the calculations of the world and claim those drinks cause deaths, snuggies and the authors themselves admit that they are due to chronic disease. The study comes a week after a judge blocked the proposal of the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, the vast amount of soft drinks in the city and a day after Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, has signed a law preventing municipalities to limit the amount of soda and salt in the drinks.
"It is simply not the government's role to micro-regulate citizens," Bryant said in a press release. Responsibility for personal health depends on the individual snuggies choice of proper nutrition and related exercise "is added in a statement.
But some experts say that evidence based policy could curb consumption of soda and save enormous numbers of lives. Dr. Dariush Mozafarian, senior author of the new study, said it plans to study the effects of sweetened beverages, and to regulate and tax the costs of health and health protection.
"I think it's kind of that information has need of policy makers," says Mozafarian, who is an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health also. Meanwhile, Americans can take their own steps on their own to improve their health, such as for example to reduce snuggies to consume sweetened beverages. It is quite frightening to see an increase in chronic diseases, as a result, as more people consume sugary drinks.
Something snuggies similar is the situation with lung cancer, which is increasing steadily as more people smoke cigarettes. Diet soft drinks causing diabetes Fizzy drinks - here's what you do!! Video: Sweet misery - poisoned world! Thus began the poisoning of people worldwide! snuggies
It might interest you to remote helicopter was hacked snuggies head (Video) 7 ingredients shower gel cause cancer and brain damage-read labels, avoid them at all cost nightmare for any parent - child you can hijack 90 This seconds a Russian folk medicine for 12 days cure flu, tonsillitis - cure cancer of uterus, kidney, headache What keeps you child? Another disturbing video: Nanny brutally beating 9 month baby "White Widow" organized the massacre in Nairobi - the leading terrorists even Britain snuggies (Video)
- $ 0005 per click - 100% Ref.Commission - Minimum payout $ 1 - Payment via PayPal, Payza
All diseases are treated, and even cancer and AIDS - claims the new German medical